Eigene BilderOWN PICTURE
Your photos - your design ideas: Design facades or interiors with with just a few clicks.

General navigation

Clicking on a button opens further navigation fields. You can close them by clicking on the button again. If you are in the workspace with your mouse, the layer with the button descriptions is also closed.
The help first describes all buttons on the left side, then the buttons on the right side.


Import an image from your hard drive.


With the back arrow, you can always go back one page until you get back to the home page.


Here you can view all the components that you can design.
The following functions are available for you:
Neues BauteilCreate a new component. By default, always the first component is created.
Bauteil LöschenWith the "Minus" button you can delete the active component.
Textur drehenRotate a texture clockwise in 90° degree increments.
Bauteil leerClick in the empty color field to assign a color/texture to this component.
Bauteil konfigurierenYou have the option to specify settings such as brightness, opacity or if you work with textures, to specify the height and width.


The following tools are available for editing your image. at your disposal:
ZauberstabThe Magic Wand masks an area in your image. In doing so, it orients itself to the edges in the image. This function is particularly suitable for smooth backgrounds.
PinselMask a component freehand
GitternetzIf you want to use textures, activate the Grid. Drag the corner points over your component so that the perspective is displayed correctly. To ensure that the size of the texture is displayed correctly, open "Objects" and enter the width and height of the component under "Settings".
Maske hinzufügenThis tool allows you to mask a component exactly.
Maske entfernenYou can remove the previously created mask by creating a selection with this tool.
RadierenUse the eraser to remove a mask freehand.


Go back one step, which you have done with the tools have made.


You can restore the step that was previously undone.

Zoom PlusZoom/in

Enlarge your image in the workspace

Zoom MinusZoom/out

Reduce the size of your image.


You can search for color names across collections. Clicking on the search result colors the active component.


Via the "Share" button you have the possibility to publish your design:
For each object, an individual 6-digit code, the SPECTRUM ID, is stored. With this ID, the object can be called up again and again. To do this, click on the "Copy link" button. The SPECTRUM ID with the corresponding link will be copied to your clipboard. Now you can paste this link with "Ctrl + V" e.g. into an e-mail and send it.
If you are logged in to the cloud, appears an extra field. Here you can enter an email address to send the link to this email address.
With the SPECTRUM_ID, the saved image can also be opened in other Caparol applications, e.g. in the SPECTRUM_mobile APP.
CloudSave to Cloud
This area is only accessible to you, so you must first log in to the cloud. If you already have a Caparol account, use these access data. Your designs are stored in the cloud, you can access them at any time. In addition, the designs can be opened and further edited with the SPECTRUM - full version.
With this function you create a PDF of your design. In addition to the design, the individual components are displayed with the color tones/materials used as well as the associated SPECTRUM ID. You can print the PDF document or save it to your hard drive.
With "SPECTRUM TV" you can share your design live with other people.

  • With the button "Open link", a browser window is opened in parallel.
  • With the button "Send a link", you can invite by e-mail a person to watch you design live.
  • Deactivate this function when you are finished with the transfer.

Publish your design via Pinterest. You must have a Pinterest account.
Publish your design via Twitter. You must have a Twitter account.
Publish your design via Facebook. You must have a Facebook account.

FarbinformationColor and texture information

Here you can call up further information on a color or texture. For example, the product properties or the lightness value.